Advocacy , Economic Development Advocacy , Housing Advocacy ,
Time | Agency |
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. | Department of Human Services |
This hearing can be viewed live at https://www.brianneknadeau.com/committee.
Submitting Testimony:
▪ Written testimony: email to humanservices@dccouncil.us
▪ Voicemail testimony: (202) 350-1927 o The Committee on Human Services has a unique voicemail number set up to accept budget testimony (202) 350-1927. At the beginning of the message please state and spell your name clearly, provide the name of the organization you are representing and title (if any), the agency you are testifying about, and then begin your testimony. The voicemail program automatically limits each message to three minutes and generates an automated transcript of each message, which will be included as written testimony in the committee hearing record.
▪ All testimony received will be made part of the official record.
▪ Hearing Record: The hearing record will close 1 week after the hearing concludes.
Testifying Live:
▪ If you would like to sign-up to testify, please complete the witness form at https://www.brianneknadeau.com/testify or call the Committee on Human Services at 202-724-8170, by close of business 4 days before each hearing date.
▪ Witnesses may participate by phone or online.
▪ Representatives of an organization or ANC receive 5 minutes to testify. Other public witnesses (or ANC commissioners not officially designated as a representative of their Commission) receive 3 minutes.
▪ The Committee will email additional instructions on how to participate to those who have signed up and will be able to participate live. The virtual hearing will be password protected and witnesses may not share the password.
Viewing Hearings:
▪ Hearings can be viewed live at https://www.brianneknadeau.com/committee
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