Neighborhood Prosperity Fund Virtual Q & A Session

February 22, 2023

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Home Events Neighborhood Prosperity Fund Virtual Q & A Session

Neighborhood Prosperity Fund Virtual Q & A Session


February 22, 2023    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Event Type


CNHED is partnering with the Deputy Mayor of Planning and Economic Development (DMPED)  to host a virtual Q&A information session before the submission deadline for the small business grant opportunities available through the FY23 Neighborhood Prosperity Fund (NPF).

Liz Anderson, Director of Great Streets & Retail, will speak about grant eligibility, application requirements, and the deadline for submission.


About the Grant:

Neighborhood Prosperity Fund (NPF) incentivizes community development, economic growth, and job creation by leveraging local funds to provide gap financing for projects that attract private investment to distressed communities. Grant funds support architectural and engineering costs, construction costs, tenant improvements, historical preservation building improvements to maintain compliance with applicable laws, development analysis, rent abatement and/or tenant concessions for up to 3 years to stabilize market rent.

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