Anacostia Waterfront Trust Has Premium Stormwater Retention Credits for Sale

August 29, 2017

Home News and Updates Anacostia Waterfront Trust Has Premium Stormwater Retention Credits for Sale

The Anacostia Waterfront Trust has asked us to let members know that is offering for immediate sale 27,092 DOEE-certified Premium Stormwater Retention Credits at $2.50 per credit.

The stormwater retention credits were certified by the DC Department of Energy and Environment on May 10, 2017. They can be used immediately to meet regulatory obligations, or can be banked indefinitely for future use.

The asking price is in the middle of the spectrum of current prices, and is substantially below the current compliance price: the DOEE’s “Stormwater In-Lieu Fee” of $3.61 per gallon per year.

The Trust’s credits are listed as premium because they were expressly produced to have maximum water quality and social impact. The real-world impact of stormwater retention credits varies widely depending on their location. Not all credits actually reduce pollution and erosion to DC’s waterways; these do, measurably protecting the Watts Branch and the Anacostia River. No credits produced so far except for ours provide income to a nonprofit doing good in the east of the river community; these do.

The Trust chose as its initial partner the Progressive National Baptist Convention, which was the spiritual home of Dr. King. Its national headquarters are in Ward 7, at the former Nannie Helen Burroughs National Training School for Women and Girls, just up the hill from the Anacostia’s largest tributary. The bioretention facility filters street and parking lot runoff, not only maximizing pollution prevention, but providing an income stream to PNBC to support its programs in the District.

Special Offer

The Trust will gladly work closely with the purchaser to let the public know that the purchaser is not only directly helping to restore and protect the Anacostia River, but helping to support an important community partner in Ward 7.

For more information, please contact Merrit Drucker at the Anacostia Waterfront Trust at

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