Champions of #DCSmallBizMonth

June 17, 2021

Home News and Updates Champions of #DCSmallBizMonth

Thank you to all who made DC Small Business Month this year a success! As our local small businesses begin to recover from the pandemic, it’s imperative that communities come together to support them. CNHED looks forward to Celebrating DC Small Business Week in person in 2022.

In the meantime, we’d like to congratulate the winners of the #DCSmallBizMonth 2021 Haiku contest, Scavenger Hunt, and Small Business Gift Card Giveaway!

Until next year!

Winning Haikus

1st Place

Ode to Teaism

Naomi Barry-Perez

Chai, have you ever
Sought a cure through a cup
Thirst for what matters 
Longing for normal
Meant craving tea with sweet milk
And community

Runner Ups

An ode to my favorite dishes at Green Almond Pantry
Yen Mooi

A wheel of tart green
Atop fluffy focaccia –
Parcels of delight.
Jammy yolk, laced with
Salty, briny anchovies
Party in my mouth.
 Tender cabbage chunks
Ooze heat, each bite brings comfort,
Nourishing my soul. 
Airy whipped cream meets
Silky, sublime chocolate
Heaven in a slice.


Nechama Masliansky

My fridge is empty.
To the rescue: Soupergirl
Salad, soup and bread

Business Gift card Giveaway Winners

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