CNHED Launches MBE Education Program

November 1, 2020

Home News and Updates CNHED Launches MBE Education Program



CNHED is partnering with the George Washington University School of Business to develop a training for local entrepreneurs in Washington, D.C. through our new ELEVATE program. ELEVATE, which stands for Executive Leadership Education Venture Advancing Talented Entrepreneurs, aims to provide best-in-class training to minority small businesses located in the DC to acquire new skills that will allow them to more effectively and efficiently manage their business’ products and services and increase revenue and employment.

The ELEVATE curriculum, developed by the George Washington University School of Business Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence (CFEE) and led by faculty members Professors George Solomon, and Ayman El Tarabishy, will provide training to minority small businesses in the District of Columbia to prepare them to more effectively and efficiently manage their business’ products and services; and increase revenue and employment. The curriculum will be informed by a needs and training gap assessment focused on providing the skill set to competently manage a small minority business focused on competing in the institutional and/or government procurement sectors. The curriculum elements will include but are not limited to a set of standardized business skills, a specialized track for contracting and procurement with anchor institutions; and corporations; a unique diagnostic tool to assess the strengths and needs of individual businesses. 

The first cohort in the program, commencing in Feb. 2021, will be part of JPMorgan Chase’s National Ascend Program, which is a national initiative incubated in Seattle, headquartered at the University of Washington Foster School of Business and funded by JPMorgan Chase to support minority-owned small businesses. Acend’s goal is to formalize business education, consulting services, and partnerships with anchor institutions, like GW School of Business, that are committed to increase spending with minority-owned firms over the next three years. CNHED is responsible for administration of the Ascend program in the District of Columbia. 

ELEVATE Eligibility Criteria:
  • Must be a registered business and located in the District of Columbia
  • Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE)
  • Minimum 51% minority-ownership
Must meet at least two of three criteria:
  • In business for at least five or more years
  • Minimum of 10 full-time employees
  • Annual revenue of $500K or more 

Applications for the ELEVATE curriculum are currently open and will close on Monday, December 21.Interested and qualified MBEs are encouraged to apply.  

For questions or additional information, email

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