Housing For All in action: Housing Production Trust Fund legislation gets big boost

January 31, 2014

Home News and Updates Housing For All in action: Housing Production Trust Fund legislation gets big boost

On Thursday, January 23, 2014, DC Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie introduced the Housing Production Trust Fund Supplemental Funding Act of 2014. Co-introducing the legislation were Councilmembers Muriel Bowser and Jack Evans, joined by co-sponsors Councilmembers Anita Bonds, Mary Cheh, Jim Graham, Vincent Orange and Tommy Wells. Read CNHED’s press release.


On Friday, January 31, 2014 Mayor Gray,  Chairman Mendelson & Councilmember McDuffie announced an agreement to boost funding for affordable housing – 50% of future unreserved surplus will be dedicated to the District’s Housing Production Trust Fund.  Housing For All Campaign organizer Elizabeth Falcon is quoted in  the City Paper’s article “Affordable Housing Could Be the Big Winner in D.C.’s Budget Boom.”  This agreement follows introduction of legislation on Jan. 23, 2014, by Councilmember McDuffie; see above.

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