Housing Insights & Asset Mapping

Housing Insights is a digital mapping tool that visualises the District’s current subsidized housing stock. The project was initiated in 2016 by The Coalition, in partnership with NeighborhoodInfo DC at the Urban Institute, and the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), with support from the national Civic Tech and Data Collaborative.

Launched in October 2017, the Housing Insights serves as a robust visual map of DC’s subsidized housing stock. The information can be filtered by a number of variables, such as subsidy type, size of development, end of subsidy date, and recent federal housing conditions inspection reports (REAC scores) and Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) notices. The tool also incorporates other publicly accessible data like building permit info from the District, the distance of housing units to mass transit, as well as demographic info from the Census Bureau.


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