DC Small Biz TakeOver 2016

April 21, 2016

Home News and Updates DC Small Biz TakeOver 2016

Did you know that May 1-7, 2016 is National Small Business Week? The Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) is organizing and promoting events and activities in celebration of the District’s small business community for DC’s own DC Small Biz TakeOver 2016!

There are a host of events and activities designed specifically for start-up and existing businesses throughout the entire week. We’re kicking off the week’s events by commemorating the one-year anniversary of CNHED’s Small Business Policy Project (SBPP) launch of DCSmallBizLoans.com, an online lending platform. We’re also sharing information about our second website, DCSmallBizHelp.com which is an online community where small businesses can find the help they need.

Whether you’re a small business, a supporter, or an organization providing assistance to small business, you can join in the week’s coordinated activities!

Check out the activities below to learn more:

Overview of the week’s events

Monday, May 2

DC Small Biz Resource Mini-Clinic Pop-Ups. 

Stop by and receive free technical assistance and other resources for your small business. Free giveaways, music, and fun while supplies last!  Three locations:

  • DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Building (1100 Fourth St, SW) from 8:30 am- noon
  • Ben’s Chili Bowl (1001 H St. NE) from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Third location coming soon!
Destination Congress Heights

Ribbon-cutting for their new Main Streets program
9:30 am – 10:30 am at 3110 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. with Mayor Bowser, Councilmember May and the Office of Planning.

Tuesday, May 3


Join us, DC Health Link & other partners at our FREE small business forum: POWER UP DC 2016 for a range of business-focused workshops; get new information about small business marketplace provisions of the Affordable Care Act; come network, build business relationships and more.

Wednesday, May 4

CNHED’s Happy Hour.

Come out to CNHED’s happy hour for great company and brews and bites half off from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

Thursday, May 5

DCRA Business Matchmaking Event.

Get one-on-one business matchmaking assistance from representatives of the from 4 pm – 7pm

Friday, May 6

Intro to DISB’s Access to Capital Programs

8:30 – 10:30 am Mt. Vernon UMC (900 Mass Ave)

Twitter Thunder Clap.

Share your favorite moments through our Twitter Thunder Clap at 2:30 pm.

Ways to Get Involved

Spread the Word/ Communications & Marketing Opportunities

We’re expecting some major media attention this week, so be sure to send us information about your events – we want to highlight your work!  You will soon receive a communications packet that includes sample tweets, Facebook posts, and more to help you spread the word.

Volunteer at one of the Mini-Clinics

Give your organization exposure and reach more clients at one of the DC Small Biz Resource Mini-Clinic Pop-Ups!

Promote our organizations’ events

Planning a grand opening or customer appreciation day? Hosting a special training or other event? Throughout the week, we’ll be promoting your events, so whatever it is, send us the details and we’ll include it in our overall marketing. Here are a few events we know about:

  • Congress Heights launches “Congress Heights Main Street” on [date tbd]
  • DCRA Business Matchmaking Event on May 5
  • Capitol City CDC Fasttrac New Ventures training
  • NCRC Women’s Business Center’s live-stream on Facebook for free technical assistance on Tues at Power UP conference
  • Howard SBDC
  • DC Fashion Foundation business pitch training event on [date tbd] featuring [Name], [executive producer/ whatever title] from ABC’s popular television show “Shark Tank”

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and join the fight for a District where all residents can live in thriving communities that are economically just!

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